
Put your Blog posts on Twitter


I am playing with this one. Not sure I got it together, but will see. It's just what you need to communicate automatically what is happening on your blog.

Mad Money

Music over Twitter

I took this one off because of the huge # of tweets, but it's a good one for a short while to get the URL and pick a station.
Found an internet radio station portal on Twitter http://www.stationportal.com/?page=stationhistory%26u=http%253a%252f%252f207.200.96.227%253a8008
Follow me on Twitter and look for the icon. Click on it and you can see tweets from that icon. If you want to...you can follow the person/reference so that their tweets are visible on your twitter. The icons here are just so u know what to look for or you can search them by their name/title.